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Komodo 6k Ghosting Stutter (like multiple still frames) Instead of Smooth Motion Blur


Jan 26, 2024
Reaction score
Help! my new Komodo 6k is getting Ghosting Stutter (like multiple still frames) Instead of Smooth Motion Blur. See below samples.

shot on Canon 24-70 RF lens with IS at f2.8


I am at a loss. It is on the files on the Camera Card. Please Help! My entire shoot tonight was ruined.
What are you light sources. You get that if you have odd flickering light. I seen it when shooting and having LED screens as part of the light setup. The leds screens where 60Hz and we where shooting 25p... that gave us something similar to this but with two instances.
What are you light sources. You get that if you have odd flickering light. I seen it when shooting and having LED screens as part of the light setup. The leds screens where 60Hz and we where shooting 25p... that gave us something similar to this but with two instances.
Hello, I have it happening here (on the theater stage with the theater’s stage lights (I don’t know what they are), and I also have it happening in the classroom next to it in much brighter situations.
IMHO Dimmed bad LED is the cause. It also appears on non global shutter cameras.
Is there any way to avoid having this happen in the future? I have been hired to film dances in this stage during shows and I can’t afford to have all motion so janky.
I had it on a cheap Ikea LED bulb.... Slowing shutter speed but you'll get this horrible videoish look... I think you are in trouble. (Like anyone who would do your job...)

Simple solution : Change stage :ROFLMAO:
Is there any way to avoid having this happen in the future? I have been hired to film dances in this stage during shows and I can’t afford to have all motion so janky.
You need to talk to the guys the lit the stage. See if they can do it without their dimmers, different light or such. You could also fiddle with shutter time... but might be tricky and can give different result per recording. For example if you lower you shutter time to a third what you got now, you might get less but clean motion blur. Then use motion estimate motion blur in post to compensate. But that is a CPU taxing process that is just a hack and does not render perfect results. And also lowering your shutter gives you less light which is likely not optimal.
If the light flickering results from the power, you could try to (kind of) sync the camera to the light flicker frequency. But if you need to stick to 23.976 fps, the options are somewhat limited with only changing the shutter angle. This tool here helps with the calculation:
Also included in RED Control.
You need to talk to the guys the lit the stage. See if they can do it without their dimmers, different light or such. You could also fiddle with shutter time... but might be tricky and can give different result per recording. For example if you lower you shutter time to a third what you got now, you might get less but clean motion blur. Then use motion estimate motion blur in post to compensate. But that is a CPU taxing process that is just a hack and does not render perfect results. And also lowering your shutter gives you less light which is likely not optimal.
This is the right suggestion.

But to be clear, the next step here is to test! You can learn a lot by working with whoever is running the light board to test at different dimmer levels or with different lighting units.
If the light flickering results from the power, you could try to (kind of) sync the camera to the light flicker frequency. But if you need to stick to 23.976 fps, the options are somewhat limited with only changing the shutter angle. This tool here helps with the calculation:
Also included in RED Control.
Thanks. I just checked with the tool and the tool says I can use any shutter angle and so does not list any corresponding frame rate.

Will this even happen with my global shutter?
Thanks. I just checked with the tool and the tool says I can use any shutter angle and so does not list any corresponding frame rate.

Will this even happen with my global shutter?
Yes, this kind of flickering isn't related to rolling shutter effects, it might just look a bit differently/worse with rolling shutter. But for 23.976 fps you should get 1/100, 1/50, 1/33.33s (86.31, 172.63, 258.94°) for 50 Hz and 1/60, 1/40, 1/30s (143.86, 215.78, 287.71°) for 60 Hz. You need to make a change to the power frequency selection to update the results after typing an fps value, it doesn't update as when using the slider.
SOLVED. Short answer: You were all correct! It was their lighting.

I took my camera back to the stage and had them turn back on all the lighting that they had on at the rehearsal, when the problem happened yesterday. It turned out to be their stage cleaning LED lights that they had on. They had about five of them that were bright white but they only have them on for cleaning and sometimes for rehearsals. That is what was causing it. As soon as I turned those off and lit it myself or used their normal stage lighting, the problem went away. From now on, they will use their stage lighting when I film rehearsals and make sure those are off. Thank you so much again for your time. It was crazy, but in hindsight, even not looking through the lens of the camera when I move my arm really fast under those lights, I can visually see strobe or ghosting so I should at least test for that before I film. And from now on, when I’m in a situation like that, I will always do a test clip.

Thanks again. I’m glad my Komodo is not broken! 😳

And I’m glad I found this community.