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Redmote battery

Jaka Music

Sep 24, 2020
Reaction score
I've been trying to use Redmote that came with my Red brain but it seems like it's only working while connected to the power. If the cable is plugged to the redmote it turns on, i believe the battery is dead. Does anyone know if it's possible to replace it, repair it? Thanks
I've been trying to use Redmote that came with my Red brain but it seems like it's only working while connected to the power. If the cable is plugged to the redmote it turns on, i believe the battery is dead. Does anyone know if it's possible to replace it, repair it? Thanks
I too have a remote and the battery has died. replacement part number is 645-0046 and the internet offers a battery that has similar specs. Un mounting the redmote is a bit of a fiddle there is a delicate power cable and 2 plastic clips to move out of the way without breaking. Once that is one, the are a few screws and battery is easy to change. The question is if the replacement battery available on ebay for example is any good. it has better specs than the original.
I'm sure all redmote owners know this, (but I just bought one with a dead battery), connecting a 5v battery pack, like those used to charge mobile phones, using the redmote usb port makes my redmote work fine. I think I'll take the old red battery out (before it leaks) and just use an external battery pack.
I ordered a replacement battery largely available on the internet and it works ... sort of. The battery is the right spec and size and it has the same attachment ... but the devil is in the detail. The supplied battery connector did not fit as snugly as the original so there were was a bad contact. Plus, the cable comes out of the wrong side of the battery so the cable is too short.

So I decided to solder the old battery cable to the end of the new one. It was a fiddle. The cable colours are essentially the same. Just make sure not to short out the battery (Cut each cable individually) Once my dreadful soldering was done, the cable was long enough and the old connector fit snugly. The remote charges and works great.
In the Redmote settings menu, I have an ethernet and USB toggle switch that is not mentioned in the manual. Anyone have an idea what it is used for?