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  • Hey all, just changed over the backend after 15 years I figured time to give it a bit of an update, its probably gonna be a bit weird for most of you and i am sure there is a few bugs to work out but it should kinda work the same as before... hopefully :)
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  • Hi,

    Hope you are fine !

    I just saw your lens set on sale on Reduser forum.

    I'm from Europe, France, so I won't be your best purchaser…

    I'm looking at these lenses and would like to get your inputs on them.

    Why do you sell them ?

    Disappointed ?

    If you may have time to drop me a few lines it'll be great !


    Hey Matthew,
    Regarding your post about the Komodo-X. I have a Canon R3 if your production is looking for one. Would that be of interest in a trade+cash scenario?

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