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Who should I turn to for this AI shot?

Stephen Pruitt

Well-known member
Sep 14, 2007
Reaction score
Hi all. . .

I'm not sure where to put this, so I thought maybe I should start here.

In my next indie feature, we need a shot of an actress inside a junker car driving it straight into a lake at night. (She drowns, of course, but we won't see that.) I'm actually looking for three shots:

1. From behind my actress as the car drives straight in (we see her fright in the rear-view mirror). The "water" cascades over the windshield.
2. From beside the actress showing the water diving into the water, which we see outside the car.
3. (If possible): From above showing the car driving in with the headlights shining through the water.

I had originally thought seriously about repeatedly actually pushing the car into the water, but that will require a good bit more preparation and time (to say nothing of rescue divers) than if the same thing can be done by some AI system.

Can anyone recommend someone who might be able to do such a shot for us?

Thank you!

Stephen Pruitt, Ph.D.