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THE M8 (008) Discussion thread

David Battistella

Well-known member
Apr 30, 2007
Reaction score
I have to admit it.

I am very excited for Steve Gibby and I look forward to the reports/impressions which are sure to be enlightening and detailed!

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I think Gibby will post footage very soon. Mark also said he is preparing to post more footage. Should be a busy weekend.

I still find myself playing with Mark's pillow fight R3D clip on my Macbook Air. I can adjust curves etc. in Redcine-X and it still plays back realtime at 1/8 resolution.

It just blows my mind I can sit there and play with RAW vista vision 5k footage on a tiny little laptop. It truly is a miracle. Can't wait for more!
EDIT: Just saw that Jim has a thread up on Recon for M-0008. I've pasted this same text over there. I'll post most of my impressions and result there, but also be available to answer some questions here. We're swamped processing footage and pics here, so please be patient :)

First just let me say this :hurray:

Our M8 baby arrived this morning, along with some seriously cool accessories :)

Me and our crew are hanging out with M8 out in the mountains and red rock cliffs of southern Utah at my ranch. First let me explain who our crew is: me (shooting M8), my wife Pam (shooting FF35 stills of the crew), Ketch Rossi (shooting M8), Michael Tekcin (data wrangler & tech support), Joseph Hutson (video documentarian).

Epic seriously, seriously, seriously rocks! The unboxing was surreal mega-grins all around. We just sat there and stared at all the cool things which kept coming out of the box. M8, matte box, SSD (4), Red Mote, 5" LCD, and on and on. It was like a big, giant birthday party!

Then came the fitting and assembly. The finish of the stuff is spot-on. The titanium PL mount is incredible - very precise and strong.

For our on-location shooting we have a set of Master Primes, a set of Red Pro Primes, a Red 17-50 Red Pro Zoom, and Ruby 14-24 zoom. The Red Matte Box fit each lens perfectly. Its amazingly light...but seems very strong too.

We've been out all afternoon shooting in some really stunning red rock canyons. The Red Mote is way cool my friends. The camera's menu system is straightforward and easy to navigate.

Pam shot tons of stills all day of the equipment and crew in action. Joseph documented everything in video with his Z1.

We're breaking for dinner now, but we're already processing the still pics. After diner we'll begin to post our impressions of M8. pics of the day, etc. We have several more shooting days ahead, so we'll keep everyone posted about what we've done. It will be a day or so before we post shots from M8, including stills and clips. But we should be able to put up some of the video Joseph shot fairly quickly.

Before we break though, I need to tell all you friends something very cool - I brought in my longtime associate Ketch Rossi and formed an alliance. Ketch now co-owns Epic M-00008 with me. Welcome aboard Paisano! We've worked together on many projects since 2007, so this was a natural progression of our alliance. I also have two early Stage 2 Epic X cameras coming. Ketch will not be connected with those cameras though.

Before I go to dinner I just want add that in a 30+ year career in this industry, I can only remember being this excited once before - and that was the day I took delivery of Red One 00008! Jim's dream of Red cameras, and all the hard work of Red Team has seriously enhanced this industry as a whole.

Epic will blow your mind...
Must say that this is an incredible experience that has just begin, please give us few minutes and will post a Gallery link ;)

So much info and collaborations to come ;)

Just a Tease, Full Galleries and Videos coming soon ;)


EPIC/ATOM Ready for 3D ;)
DEEP ATOM Coming Soon ;)

Must say that this is an incredible experience that has just begin, please give us few minutes and will post a Gallery link ;)

So much info and collaborations to come ;)

Just a Tease, Full Galleries and Videos coming soon ;)


Steve, that fits the CineSaddle like a glove! You two are just a couple of kids having a BALL right now, aren't you?
I think RED should make some sort of candybar that comes in a wrapper to make it look like one of the SSDs.

Epic + 18mm + MB = win
Thanks guys, do get ready for what is to come form #8 you will not believe your eyes..

Oh and btw, here @ Gibby's we do have a great Insurance policy ;)


Right Click >> Save As... My new desktop background!

Lots of awesome in that picture! Can't wait to see more from M8! :beer:
Thanks guys for kind words received, we are working tirelessly on Editing BTS Videos, and Loading Galleries for your Viewing.

Link coming shortly for the First Picture Gallery, more every day, as well as BTS Videos shot by Joseph Huston ;)

Links to BTS Videos & PhotoGallery of Today's events posted shortly on the RECON M8 Thread ;)

EPIC/ATOM Ready for 3D ;)
DEEP ATOM Coming Soon ;)


Hey Steve. Are you getting the canon mount? If so, what are your thoughts on doing some tests with the Sigma 200-500 f2.8 Ultra-Telephoto zoom?

Ketch, take care of your heart my friend. You are having too much excitement over there!

Thanks to all you well-wishers on this thread...very much appreciated by our crew!


I'm definitely getting the Canon mount as soon as it is ready. When Red has the Nikon mount I'll definitely buy that too. Then when they get the Red electronic mount done, and have the Red Electronic Lenses completed, I'll definitely get them too. For my work I've used 35mm still lenses almost exclusively on Red One, and will do the same on Epic. I have two Stage 2 Epic X cameras coming too - and I'll have Canon, Nikon, and REL mounts for each of them. Then I'll also have one PL mount for those occasions when I need to use a PL lens.

Test out a Sigma 200-500 f2.8 with Canon mount? Heck yeah...do you have one?

Don't worry about Ketch's heart - days like this strengthen his heart and mind - he's been smiling and talking a mile a minute all day, and I don't blame him :)
Just hanging out with the crew is half the fun. But that just goes to show you how cool the EPIC is. Not the other way around. I love shooting, but being with friends is what it's all about for me... :)

Thanks to the crew and the RED team for making this possible for me.
Stoked to see you with the EPIC-M, Ketch and Gibby! I had no idea we included firearms in the package!

Stoked to see you with the EPIC-M, Ketch and Gibby! I had no idea we included firearms in the package!


Thanks Brent - and all the rest of Red Team!

Yup, we just opened the box - and there sat our optional insurance policy - we're now proudly insured by Smith & Wesson, Sig Sauer, and Marlin :)

Really though, we just thought we'd lay out our entire shooting kit for the day. That's how we roll way out here in the Rocky Mountains...my ranch is way out in the mountains, and we provide our own security when we go remote into the wilderness.

Fun times man...
I can honestly say that the picture of Ketch and Gibby with 008 just made all of the hard work and late nights/mornings 100% worth it.

Have a blast out there shooting, can't wait to see the end results...


I am offering up the possibility of Steve and Ketch and mark to come visit us on Spiderman and compare notes on the Epic progress.

Let me know. Steve, Jim knows my numbers so although you are busy doing your tests you are welcome to come to Universal and hang and talk. We have 7 EPICS working 14 hours a day.
