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  • Hey all, just changed over the backend after 15 years I figured time to give it a bit of an update, its probably gonna be a bit weird for most of you and i am sure there is a few bugs to work out but it should kinda work the same as before... hopefully :)

Strange HDMI problem

Roman Simon

May 9, 2009
Reaction score
Tbilisi, Georgia
Hi. HDMI does not work properly on my RED Raven. I get my HDMI output from Jetpack module. Only one screen (Andycine x7) gets the signal from the camera, no other screens (Dell PC monitor or 4k smart TV) or wireless HDMI devices (Paralinx Arrow Plus or Connex Mini) see any video signal. I tried different cables and different output settings in the camera. No signal detected. And it was working fine several months ago. Not anymore.

When I connect screens or wireless video devices to Andycine's loop HDMI output everything works. Does not work directly from RED DSMC2 Jetpack's HDMI output.

I am trying to resolve this problem for a week now, just stuck :( Please help

I would try to reboot back to factory firmware, then reinstall latest firmware to see if that makes a difference.

If that does not make a difference I would if possible:

1. Try swap the jetpack for a base expander, just to to see what happens.
2. Try swap the Brain to see what happens.

But before all that tripple check so that your HDMI port is set to priority over the side monitor connector and also that you have frame rate set to something simple like 25fps 1080p or such. As all monitors can't do 23.967fps.

And yes, trust no HDMI cable as they all are flaky.
At this point I tried swapping everything, brains, jetpacks, cables, monitors, firmwares... The problem is in one particular Jetpack.

Only 1 screen sees hdmi signal directly from jetpack's hdmi output. No other screen sees it. But through repeater/loop/splitter it works.