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  • Hey all, just changed over the backend after 15 years I figured time to give it a bit of an update, its probably gonna be a bit weird for most of you and i am sure there is a few bugs to work out but it should kinda work the same as before... hopefully :)



Jan 1, 2024
Reaction score

I have a question about the RED EPIC-X camera. According to the DSMC Operation Guide v5.2 from RED, it is possible to simultaneously connect a RED BRICK to the DC port and a QUAD module with REDVOLT batteries. The camera then decides which power source to use. Have I understood this correctly?

If so, can I use the RED BRICK battery with a third-party V-Lock Mounting Battery DC cable and QUAD Module with four REVOLTS on it or camera blow-up:LOL:?

Thank you!
In my opinion, I would say if you're worried about it blowing up, don't do it! I've read too many horror stories over two decades of being on pro video forums about camera folks blowing up their equipment or causing weird errors because they tried to daisy chain everything onto one camera battery "to save time/money" or "cut down on weight". It sounds like you're wanting to hook the RED Brick along with the Quad Module and REDVOLTS to power the camera with a big power source for long term recording but really it would be better to pick one or the other and have multiple RED Bricks or REDVOLTS as you need, not a combination. Again, it's my opinion, I've decided long ago to avoid DC power chains for my equipment as long as I could help it, and even if it could work for your use case, it just goes back to the old saying "just because you can, doesn't mean you should."
In my opinion, I would say if you're worried about it blowing up, don't do it! I've read too many horror stories over two decades of being on pro video forums about camera folks blowing up their equipment or causing weird errors because they tried to daisy chain everything onto one camera battery "to save time/money" or "cut down on weight". It sounds like you're wanting to hook the RED Brick along with the Quad Module and REDVOLTS to power the camera with a big power source for long term recording but really it would be better to pick one or the other and have multiple RED Bricks or REDVOLTS as you need, not a combination. Again, it's my opinion, I've decided long ago to avoid DC power chains for my equipment as long as I could help it, and even if it could work for your use case, it just goes back to the old saying "just because you can, doesn't mean you should."
Absolutely, you are 100% right. I just wanted for a second opinion, but your advice resonates with my own experience. I once burned a RED Pro 5" touchscreen monitor due to an arcing short circuit on the board🫠 (tests with Multimeter on LCD LEMO input wires). Thankfully, the SSD Module 1.8" LEMO source was not affected, I was lucky probably because of short circuit protection of RED SSD Module??🤔 don't know but I've learned my lesson the hard way and now understand the importance of avoiding risky DC power chains. Thank you for reinforcing this crucial point.