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  • Hey all, just changed over the backend after 15 years I figured time to give it a bit of an update, its probably gonna be a bit weird for most of you and i am sure there is a few bugs to work out but it should kinda work the same as before... hopefully :)

RED CONTROL APP - no Multicam

DJ Viola

Sep 15, 2021
Reaction score
Yes, I used the search bar...So if I missed a long list of "how to fix" please point me to it without too much scorn:)
So I have been going back and forth with RED Support for weeks/months now. We cannot seem to figure out why I can't get multiple Komodo's to work on RED CONTROL PRO. I shoot with 4 different Komodo's and a RAPTOR. I'm able to see to the RAPTOR on "Infrastructure", but I have NEVER been able to see any of the 4 Komodo's on anything but "adhoc". I have tried 3 different wifi's, 2 different iPads...And I cannot for the life of me get it to work. The cameras all get an IP address, and show they are on the local network...

RED would like me to send back the camera(s) for evaluation. I use these cameras weekly, and they are ROCK SOLID. So I'm bummed I can't get this $500 app to work, especially since I shoot Multicam so much, but I'm confident the cameras are going to pass the tech test...SOOOO...Is there anything users on this site have found was inhibiting their cameras from working with the PRO app on Infrastructure??

THANK YOU in advance for your consideration and insights!