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Monstro CF vs Alluminum

Janis Huber

Well-known member
Jul 14, 2014
Reaction score
Hey there,

I'm looking into buying a Monstro 8K. I couldn't really find infos about the different composites. Is the CF version lighter than the Non-CF? Any other benefits? One site online says it's lighter but couldn't confirm with RED specs sheet and other sites.

Thanks for the help.

Hey Janis! Overall, the weight difference is minimal once you start running it. I've got a comprehensive Monstro kit for sale if you're interested in the Aluminum. Includes the production back, side kick, nearly 2TB of media, High bright 7" and more. Owner op owned, very well taken care of. The plastic wrapping is still on the sidekick screen! https://reduser.net/threads/red-monstro-full-kit-10k.3830393/
The weight difference is 54g and the aluminium version could also be newer. But there are no differences in features or capabilities.