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  • Hey all, just changed over the backend after 15 years I figured time to give it a bit of an update, its probably gonna be a bit weird for most of you and i am sure there is a few bugs to work out but it should kinda work the same as before... hopefully :)

Komodo-X Firmware wish list

Patrick Tresch

Well-known member
Aug 2, 2007
Reaction score
Switzerland, Lausanne

I know it's a bit like throwing a bottle into the ocean, but I would love to see what people would love to have as a new FW feature on their camera?

My wish would be :

- Tilt and horizon to be more precise (like a zoom in the scale). Slightly off horizon is barely visible on the scale. Or to be in the center of the frame like for the Weapon FW.

Hope they'll update the Komodo to accept Nikon F-series Type K matte/fresnel focusing screen. :p

I know it's a bit like throwing a bottle into the ocean, but I would love to see what people would love to have as a new FW feature on their camera?

My wish would be :

- Tilt and horizon to be more precise (like a zoom in the scale). Slightly off horizon is barely visible on the scale. Or to be in the center of the frame like for the Weapon FW.


I'm glad the gyro tilt/horizon was implemented but also wouldn't mind a revision with its display in the gui.
Particularly in RED Control I think it might be good to have the option to make the tilt/horizon display smaller and off the shooting area (to keep the shooting area frame clean) perhaps similar to the way it's shown in Sony cameras like the FX6.

Also Komodo OG can REALLY benefit from the tilt horizon feature added to its firmware particularly with it being such a popular camera for mounting into odd positions.

Brian Timmons
I think for me I'd love to see autofocus improving even more. It's somewhat unreliable when your subjects are not faced directly at the camera. Also when it loses focus, I often have to toggle AF on and off to get it to find focus again. RF autofocus lenses are really terrible to manual focus with so i think it's important to get it cleaned up a bit more. I love the 24-70 but pulling focus with it is a disaster IMO. A few tracking modes beyond face tracking would also be useful.

Beyond that, I'm pretty happy. Maybe a way to post stabilize footage with the Gyro data in REDCINE-X. It would be cool to see RED hand the API off to Blackmagic to put in davinci though i think that would be a long shot.
As it relates to the horizon line I can say this thread is being viewed by at least one person at or with RED and they are considering improvements.

And no I have no special connections with anyone other than threads like this and reaching out to developers for bug fixes and improvements.

Brian Timmons
One thing to add here. I'd really love to be able to shoot 4:3 without an anamorphic squeeze. I know we have 1:1 but I've had several commercial projects now that are being asked to finish in 4:3 lately. It seems to be getting popular since it crops easier to vertical formats without as much compromise. Being able to shoot that frame size natively would be really cool.
I'm glad the gyro tilt/horizon was implemented but also wouldn't mind a revision with its display in the gui.
Particularly in RED Control I think it might be good to have the option to make the tilt/horizon display smaller and off the shooting area (to keep the shooting area frame clean) perhaps similar to the way it's shown in Sony cameras like the FX6.

Also Komodo OG can REALLY benefit from the tilt horizon feature added to its firmware particularly with it being such a popular camera for mounting into odd positions.

Brian Timmons
Agreed. I love that the data is now viewable, and I’d like to be able to adjust how and where it appears. Most of all, I’d also love to see it on the OG Komodo.

I've seen that the RED control app does display tilt and horizon infos with a green/red horizon bar. Is this only in the app or does it also exist on the camera SDI monitor overlay ?

Thanks for your help.
Continuing :

- Time lapse with slower 360 shutter (not 1/8) and up to 2 sec. (Frame summing would be cool)
- Audio swap channels, so 1/2 could be external input and 3/4 scratch mic
- Fix the highlight solarising problem when recovering the burned out highlights : there is a strange thing happening from high exposure (still with chroma) to over exposed high lights recovery mode wich kills the chroma but it passes trough a "non info" stage very visible in a waveform. Its like infos with colors , no info, white infos. Could the tipping point be smoother? (I understand why cine 3D did skip the highlight recovery as a not being part of DR)
The Horizon and Tilt monitor in the new Komodo-X Firmware 1.3.5 is still soooo useless.

Why don't you copy the DSMC2 overlay model? Or like the RED control app?
On this one you have have to tilt 90c to see it move... It's not the purpose to have such a huge scale. Slightly off horizon is what we need to know.

Please, who ever reads this, make that change ;-)

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The Horizon and Tilt monitor in the new Komodo-X Firmware 1.3.5 is still soooo useless.

Why don't you copy the DSMC2 overlay model? Or like the RED control app?
On this one you have have to tilt 90c to see it move... It's not the purpose to have such a huge scale. Slightly off horizon is what we need to know.

Please, who ever reads this, make that change ;-)


Hey Patrick,

A finer horizon scale or a horizon line overlay wouldn't hurt.

In the meantime, you can also activate the gyro data overlay (I put mine bottom center) which gives a very precise numerical text graphic of the roll and tilt.

Brian Timmons
IMHO the numerical infos are not very convenient while shooting handheld. You need to concentrate on the frame. It's probably ok if youhave to place the camera in an awkward position.