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How's the 8k s35 noise performance at iso12800? (also the raptor x)

Edith Blazek

Aug 1, 2022
Reaction score
Just curious given the sheer processing power of the vv. Has anyone here used the 8k s35 like that?
Can you specify the environment/circumstances under which you'd like to use ISO12800?
I'd like to help you out, but a bit more context would be helpful.
Can you specify the environment/circumstances under which you'd like to use ISO12800?
I'd like to help you out, but a bit more context would be helpful.
Low light and deeper stops in low light.
I haven't tested it yet, but from my little experience any ISO higher than 3200 is mostly unusable.
I think this is valid for most cameras (without dual-gain sensors).
Hey has anyone here used the raptor x at 12800 and if so, is it usable, with or without noise reduction? (I'm on a phone screen at the moment so I can't make that call unfortunately)
I suspect that you haven't worked with Raw or Red cameras. ISO 12800 on any Red camera is unusable.
I thought the komodo-x looked good at 12800 on its own aesthetic merits. My main concern is how the noise looks as that is the actual saving grace for any camera claimed to be usable at that iso range (the fx3 is not noiseless there, especially in raw), I know it's not going to be absolutely noiseless there.