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Epic with Dragon chip card reading issues


Jun 24, 2024
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I work for the University of New Orleans Film program and we have a Red epic with dragon chip that will not read any of our Redmag SSD cards any more. It shows a must format card error when inserting a card and then gives a card format error evry time. At first I thought it was a bad card reader, but I went over to panavision new orleans and tested different side card readers and different cards with our camera and one of theirs and we determined that that it either the card reader pins on the camera or an internal camera issue. My question is first has anyone had this issue and if so, were the able to get any resolution? Red support says there's nothing they can do but I'd to brick the whole camera package. Anways anyone's input is appreciated!
Hi, Have you tried an other SSD? (eBay?)
I would suggest to clean the contacts with 96% alcohol? I had serieus problems with my card reader (no recording issues, but downloading footage to computer was problematic). Cleaning all contacts on the card and in the reader solved my problem.)
Hi, Have you tried an other SSD? (eBay?)
I would suggest to clean the contacts with 96% alcohol? I had serieus problems with my card reader (no recording issues, but downloading footage to computer was problematic). Cleaning all contacts on the card and in the reader solved my problem.

Thank you for the advice but that was literally the first thing I thought of since I’ve been doing this for 33 years. I took the camera to Panavision New Orleans and we cleaned contacts and tried several different readers. All did not work on our camera. We put my suspect reader on their epic. And it works fine. It’s not The reader nor is it the contacts. You dig?
Okay, thanks, so it's not the reader, not is it the Side SSD from the camera? Have you tried a different (new or used) SSD? (Secure format)
Also it is not the cards. We tried multiple cards. There is no combo we didn’t try, ok? The problem is Red won’t service that camera brain
I suspect you also did a hard reset and reinstalling of the latest firmware?
You could try installing an older firmware, see if that changes anything