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  • Hey all, just changed over the backend after 15 years I figured time to give it a bit of an update, its probably gonna be a bit weird for most of you and i am sure there is a few bugs to work out but it should kinda work the same as before... hopefully :)

Epic M - Angel investor/help needed.

Jeffrey Farrell

New member
Feb 20, 2012
Reaction score
Title says it all. Accomplished filmmaker is looking for some kind soul that will loan, donate or barter with me to rent their Epic Canon mount for 2 weeks.

I am shooting a very specialized spec piece for a special venue project. I have sunk my $30k into and now I'm out. Need to shoot ASAP.

M or X, doesn't matter. In return - I can offer you my services, Canon C300 or pay you double your rental rate if the job goes through. 2 X Emmy award winning DP with 20 years experience.

I am located in Salt Lake City, UT USA

If you are open to this. Please contact me.

Jeffrey Farrell
Last edited:
Title says it all. Accomplished filmmaker is looking for some kind soul that will loan, donate or barter with me to rent their Epic M Canon mount for 2 weeks. I am shooting a very specialized spec piece for a special venue project. I have sunk my $30k into and now I'm out. Need to shoot ASAP.

In return - I can offer you me services, Canon C300 or pay you double if the job goes through. 2 X Emmy award winning DP with 20 years experience.

If you are open to this. Please contact me.

Jeffrey Farrell


Where are you located?
What does "pay you double" actually mean in this case, do you mean pay double the rental rate if/when the job pays off ?
Just updated my original post with RE: Payment and location SLC, UT USA.
I need a larger sensor than my C300. I must have 2700 V for this piece.
Sensorsize is not all that different. Pixelcount is of course...

2700V... Intriguing

I mean, this is the place where you'll find people who agree with you on using the Epic over the C300...

And still we kinda live from them... :)
A bit more info on the project would probably not hurt.

Just my 2c