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  • Hey all, just changed over the backend after 15 years I figured time to give it a bit of an update, its probably gonna be a bit weird for most of you and i am sure there is a few bugs to work out but it should kinda work the same as before... hopefully :)

Casey Green - Los Angeles

Jarred Land

Fire Chief
Staff member
Dec 27, 2006
Reaction score
Congratts man!

Hey Casey, your cameras and they won't even let you hold them??? Hehe... Congrats, dude!
Congrats, Casey. Hopefully I won't be too far behind you. Good shooting.
Jim, Jarred, Ted - and the entire RED Team,

Thanks for your amazing passion and support.
I can't wait to embark on this EPIC journey!
Ben, Jeremy, and I are thrilled beyond belief!

Thanks a million!

More soon!
Congrats Guys!

I look forward to working with you again at Reducation Casey, it will be great having the benefit of your hands on experience with Epic to help the students.

All the best,

Congrats, Casey. Hopefully I won't be too far behind you. Good shooting.

Thanks Keith!

Great memories from years ago! Thanks for everything!
Congrats Casey!
Excellent Casey...happy for you! You're in some real cool surprises as you put Epic to work...
Hey Casey, congrats! Please tell me you'll make them film the last season of "Chuck" on those Epics!
Hey Casey, congrats! Please tell me you'll make them film the last season of "Chuck" on those Epics!

I'll do my best, but they're pretty set in their ways with *cough* 16mm.
Took one of our EPICs out for a spin doing 2K at 300fps!

Can anyone name the musician? Hint... I might be related... :)

http://vimeo.com/25300574 Click here to watch full screen