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  • Hey all, just changed over the backend after 15 years I figured time to give it a bit of an update, its probably gonna be a bit weird for most of you and i am sure there is a few bugs to work out but it should kinda work the same as before... hopefully :)

7 inch touch and flicker

Michael Patterson

Well-known member
Oct 23, 2011
Reaction score
New Berlin, WI
So I just got a new 7 inch touch and it is flickering. The whole monitor is flickering, not just the image (so the gray bar on top as well as all of the menu screens). I've tried 2 different cables, 2 different firmwares, have rebooted the camera several times as well as took the cable in and out a few times while powered on. Is this just a break in issue or is there something else going on? I tried searching the threads but couldn't find anything. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks.
Crap. I'm a moron. I forgot to test that one. I've always had it on 60hz with the 5 inch and never had any issues. After the firmware upgrade it went back to 30. Changing it to 60hz solved it. Thanks Phil. Always appreciated.
Right out of the box my 7" monitor is flickering off/on and flashing horizontal blue lines. Freq is set to 60 with no ability to change it.
im having a different issue with my 4.7, but i see its set to 60hz and im on the delivered firmware 6255 not the new one that is beta.
my issue is that when you hit magnify a diagonal thing happens from one corner to the other, its like a break in the picture, not a line. then if you toggle back its still there, you have to power it off, then back on for it to go away.
anyone ever have this using magnify?
also, it seems to flicker btwn modes on the side evf.
testing around, i find that it only happens when im in auto hide menu mode, which bring the full screen to full image, but once i do it, its stuck like that until i power down.
I at least found that this issue does not translate to your recorded media. But yeah I’m sitting here in 2024 with my weapon dragon CF and having bad flicker issues on the 7” carbon fiber dsmc1 lcd I bought.

I went back to my 5” dsmc1 touch lcd and the issues were still there but far less than on the 7”. So I finished the shoot out on the measly 5”.