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  • Hey all, just changed over the backend after 15 years I figured time to give it a bit of an update, its probably gonna be a bit weird for most of you and i am sure there is a few bugs to work out but it should kinda work the same as before... hopefully :)

Search results

  1. Peter Lightowler

    WTB DSMC2 Kippertie IR or Full Spectrum OLPF

    I have found one but looking for a second full spectrum olpf for dsmc 2 please.
  2. Peter Lightowler

    Battery Time Remaining V Percentage

    Does anyone know how to get battery time remaining as the display on an external monitor? Currently set to percentage but can not find a way to swap to time remaining.
  3. Peter Lightowler

    WTB DSMC2 Kippertie IR or Full Spectrum OLPF

    I am looking for either an IR or full spectrum OLPF for a DSMC2 camera. Need it delivered to Sydney Australia please.
  4. Peter Lightowler

    GEMINI Mini-Mag corrupted files issue

    Do you do a secure format? If not, do that religiously.
  5. Peter Lightowler

    WTB Kippertie Longtake

    Does anyone have a Kippertie 2tb Longtake they want to sell? Need it shipped to Australia. Thanks.
  6. Peter Lightowler

    [(RED) WTB] Base Expander

    DSMC² Base Expander. RED Part Number: 720-0033 wanted.
  7. Peter Lightowler

    [FS: RED Cameras] Scarlet W Brain

    Selling my Scarlet W brain. 260 hours on it and working perfectly. This sale is for the brain and standard OLPF only. Located in Sydney Australia and willing to ship at buyers' expense. $9000 US or $12000 Oz
  8. Peter Lightowler

    [(RED) WTB] EF Mount

    Looking for an EF Mount for DSMC2 please.
  9. Peter Lightowler

    [FS: RED Cameras] Scarlet W Brain Only

    Selling my Scarlet W brain only. 50 hours on it, in perfect working condition. Located in Sydney Australia. $15k Aus, plus shipping/paypal fees.
  10. Peter Lightowler

    [FS: RED Cameras] Scarlet W Brain very low hours

    Upgrading to Gemini so selling off my very low hours Scarlet W. Currently the camera has about 60 hours on it. Located in Sydney Australia but will have it in the US from next week, for 2 weeks if that helps anyone. $17500 Aus. Cheers Pete.
  11. Peter Lightowler

    DSMC 1 Monitor not booting with camera

    I have 2 x DSMC 1 monitors, both 7 inch touch. One works perfectly, the other however won't boot up when the camera is switched on, it gets stuck in initializing mode. If I plug the good monitor in and boot the camera up, I can switch out the monitors and the dud monitor works perfectly. Once I...
  12. Peter Lightowler

    DSMC1 7 inch Monitor not booting camera

    I have 2 x DSMC 1 monitors, both 7 inch touch. One works perfectly, the other however won't boot up when the camera is switched on, it gets stuck in initializing mode. If I plug the good monitor in and boot the camera up, I can switch out the monitors and the dud monitor works perfectly. Once I...
  13. Peter Lightowler

    [(RED) WTB] Wanted - Canon Mount

    Anyone selling a DSMC2 Canon mount?
  14. Peter Lightowler

    Accepting the licence agreement without a touchscreen?

    Setting up my brand new Scarlet W for the first time and I am getting this message pop up on my monitor asking me to accept the licence agreement. I am using a Transvideo Starlite monitor that is not touch screen and for the life of me I can not find a way to accept the agreement using either...
  15. Peter Lightowler

    [(RED) WTB] WTB Raven

    I am looking for a Raven brain and I/o expander if anyone has one for sale. I do not need nor want any handles, rails, mounts or brackets of any sort, just brain, expander and possibly a monitor but not too fussed on that either. Shipping would be to Australia and payment via paypal please. If...