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  • Hey all, just changed over the backend after 15 years I figured time to give it a bit of an update, its probably gonna be a bit weird for most of you and i am sure there is a few bugs to work out but it should kinda work the same as before... hopefully :)

Search results

  1. DJ Meyer

    ARRI ALEXA 35– Lower entry price, lower-cost media & flexible licenses

    I believe it. Arri 35 is gaining popularity in high-end corporate, sports, and other non-cinema applications. NFL films shot on Amira for years and has moved to the 35.
  2. DJ Meyer

    Blackmagic URSA Cine 12K LF Lab Test: Rolling Shutter, Dynamic Range, and Exposure Latitude

    10 of these or add another Arri 35 decisions decisions
  3. DJ Meyer

    Looking to buy Monstro Kit

  4. DJ Meyer

    What to expect from a RED camera with Z mount?

    I'd settle for a new 5" RED touch monitor, continued firmware improvements, and a revamped and Apple Silicon native update to RedCineX
  5. DJ Meyer

    Infrared with Raptor or try to source Kippertie OLPF and use DSMC2

    Just to clarify terms, if you want to shoot in IR spectrum (rather than visible) you're after IR Bandpass, not filtration. Most modern lenses have varying degrees of UV and IR filtration, but it will depend on the lens. Generally older and "worse" lenses will be better for UV/IR shooting...
  6. DJ Meyer

    ARRI ALEXA 265

    I was hoping we'd see an LF version of Alev4 but perhaps another day.
  7. DJ Meyer

    Blackmagic URSA Cine 12K LF Lab Test: Rolling Shutter, Dynamic Range, and Exposure Latitude

    I don't know why but I just can't get excited for BMD cameras. Maybe still PTSD from the original one in 2012 ish
  8. DJ Meyer

    Fujifilm now puts a strong pressure on RED/Nikon!

    Interesting but I hope they hire a UI/UX designer. The GFX line menu systems are horrifying.
  9. DJ Meyer

    Canon EOS C400 Announced

    The C400 content I've shot thus far is unlikely to see the light of day outside the client, but the r5mk2 stills work will be public soon. I'll try to link it when its time.
  10. DJ Meyer

    Canon EOS C400 Announced

    I've been shooting a lot with both r5mk2 and C400 and they are both terrific. Really an incredible year for Canon.
  11. DJ Meyer

    Canon EOS C400 Announced

    lol C80 getting firmware updates before it even ships
  12. DJ Meyer


    So in a nutshell when looking at M4Max vs M3Max +20% CPU TB5 vs TB4 Nano-tex screen option
  13. DJ Meyer

    Big Canon Announcement

    Wonder what the likelihood would be of getting the lens correction profiles on the V-Raptor and K-X ?
  14. DJ Meyer

    Canon EOS C400 Announced

    Personally what I’d like to see from Canon is an 8k DGO full frame C600 for, say, $12k
  15. DJ Meyer

    Canon EOS C400 Announced

    “all-rounder” is not used as a prejorative in this case. I use it as a complement as its capabilities encompass a broader range of use cases than many other cameras, including “cinema”. Camera companies use the marketing phrase ‘cinema camera’ because a certain segment of the market needs...
  16. DJ Meyer

    Canon EOS C400 Announced

    People still get hung up on weird fetish discussion on what is or is not a cinemaaaa camera. I shoot on Raptor-X / XL, Arri 35, and now C400 - and they are all great cameras perfectly capable of making Hollywood level images. Strengths and weaknesses for all of them. I'd argue the c400 is...
  17. DJ Meyer

    ARRI Ensō Prime Lenses

    These are super interesting. I wish they were faster than 2.1, but everything else looks great. That close focus is nuts.
  18. DJ Meyer

    Komodo-X Price Cut to $6995

    Also OG Komodo starting at $4995
  19. DJ Meyer

    Komodo-X Price Cut to $6995

  20. DJ Meyer


    Nearly 4 years into Apple Silicon and we're still only releasing Intel builds. Wild.