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  • Hey all, just changed over the backend after 15 years I figured time to give it a bit of an update, its probably gonna be a bit weird for most of you and i am sure there is a few bugs to work out but it should kinda work the same as before... hopefully :)

Search results

  1. andyshon

    Looking to buy a KipperTie IR Spectrum OLPF for S35 DSMC2

    If anyone has one of these they want rid of please get in touch? Cheers Andy
  2. andyshon

    [FS: OPTICS] Looking to buy/rent IR pass OLPF for DSMC v1

    We're looking to rent or buy an IR only or IR+visible light OLPF for use with a monochrome Epic-M Dragon 6k (DSMC v1). We're based in the UK. Shoot is in September in Essen, Germany.
  3. andyshon

    [WANT TO RENT] Infra red pass OPLF for DSMC v1 in UK or western Germany

    We're looking to rent or buy an IR only or IR+visible light OLPF for use with a monochrome Epic-M Dragon 6k (DSMC v1). We're based in the UK. Shoot is in September in Essen, Germany.
  4. andyshon

    A little slice of summer...

    Natural history short following a pair of barn swallows who nested in an unusually photogenic location. This was shot for the pleasure of it and only got cut into a film thanks to lockdown. I hope a small trace of how gorgeous it was out there shines through.
  5. andyshon

    The Neolith (short film) - Shot on Monstro

    A mysterious individual takes action against a pack of bloodthirsty outsiders whose thirst for dominance is thriving. "Striking, primal, of it's time yet timeless." Danny Leigh. Shot on Monstro (Gemini for the night scenes) in the mountains of Skye using only natural light, this was a labour...
  6. andyshon

    The Neolith (short film) - Shot on Monstro/Gemini

    Hey all We shot this 30 min short among the mountains and lochs of the Isle of Skye, northern Scotland. It was a hell of a mission on a low budget, lots of hiking with kit, but also the most fun I've ever had. The cameras were fantastic. Monstro was our main weapon with Gemini for night work...
  7. andyshon

    Cloud chasing with Epic X and Motion Control

    Using a motion control head to track clouds as they boil and mutate. Shot in frame averaging mode for the squeaky clean finish. The music was recorded in a large cave system, composed by Rob Kelly.
  8. andyshon

    Dark psychedelic funk

    Inspired by the sentient acetone sea in Andrei Tarkovsky’s ’Solaris’ we’ve created our own ocean of consciousness, only ours lives in a recording studio and likes a bit of dark psychedelic funk. Music by Mr Chop, taken from his CDL-001 EP available on http://www.drumetrics.com. It's basically a...
  9. andyshon

    Timelapse on Epic?

    I've had an Epic X for about two years now but I've never seriously used it for timelapse. I've always used DSLRs for this task and have a bunch of tools to help in capture and processing. Recently I've been trying to film pretty adverse weather conditions, where the DSLRs can't shoot fast...
  10. andyshon

    HILBRE - a short natural history film

    Hilbre is the largest in a chain of three tidal islands that lie at the mouth of the Dee estuary, a rare outpost of wilderness in this heavily built up corner of England, it is home to a surprising range of wildlife. Shot mainly on Epic MX, with DSLRs for timelapse, we processed all the footage...
  11. andyshon

    Corrupt R3D Files/Frames

    I have two mags worth of R3Ds, downloaded in the field, most of which are either not playing at all in RCX, or are playing with lots of corrupt frames (as below). Shot on Epic to 512GB mini-mags and transferred to a LaCie 2TB drive. Card reader was daisy chained on the same FW800 bus as the...